Tuesday, May 22, 2012

What IT Can do for Business- Few examples

I was going through ISACA VAL IT and come across these points. These statments will give the valuve of IT for the business, defintly business need IT governance to avoid these kind of scenarios on their business

• A 2002 Gartner survey found that 20 percent of all expenditures on IT is wasted—a finding that represents, on a global basis, an annual destruction of value totaling about US $600 billion.
• A 2004 IBM survey of Fortune 1000 CIOs found that, on average, CIOs believe that 40 percent of all IT spending brought no return to their organisations.
• A 2006 study conducted by The Standish Group found that only 35 percent of all IT projects succeeded while the remainder (65 percent ) were either challenged or failed.

Headlines around the world corroborate these findings:

• Nike reportedly lost more than US $200 million through difficulties experienced in implementing its supply chain software.
• Failures in IT-enabled logistics systems at MFI and Sainsbury in the UK led to multimillion-pound write-offs, profit warnings and share price erosion.
• Tokyo Gas reported a US $46.6 million special loss due to cancellation of a large customer relationship management (CRM) project.
• In the public sector, the UK Department for Work and Pensions apparently ‘squandered’ more than £2 billion by abandoning three major projects.

Friday, May 11, 2012

Next Generation Thin Clients – HP T410

I've been thinking from sometime why don't the Thin Clients can't be designed with power over Ethernet since the technology already used by Avaya, Cisco and many other companies......Today on the way to office I was reading Citrix Synergy Key note and one of the top item was HP releases

It’s new Thin Client HPT410 with power over Ethernet technology, looks like HP has introduced great product once again the market.....

The new HP Thin Client will only take 13w to power up which includes monitor...awesome. I never think that power on Ethernet will include monitor display too.....it is really great innovation by HP though the power on ether net technology there in the market for quite some time. Here are some details about HP new T410

* Monitor & ThinClient as one display

* Consume only 13w power

* Support Citrix ICA and Microsoft RDP protocol

* Price is approximately around $420

* Release to market is expected by in few months